TAROKO GORGE travel GUIDE: Bus Passes, Tours, things to Do

This diy travel guide blog focuses on TAROKO GORGE in HUALIEN, TAIWAN, and contains the top tourist spots, things to do, and info on how to get there. If you’re interested in exploring the larger TAIWAN east coast or HUALIEN COUNTY, check out our guide here: Hualien travel Guide.

The site owes its name to the Pacific. and to one tribesman.

A long time ago, when a native Truku tribesman came out of a gorge and saw the blue splendor of the world’s biggest ocean, he admiringly shouted, “Taroko!” It means “magnificent and beautiful.”

What he did not know then was that his word would be the name of this complicated marble maze. Taroko Gorge, as it is presently called, is a treacherous territory, crumpled with deep ravines and steep crags. But like the ocean that rumbles next to it, it too is amazing and stunning in its own right.

Officially named Taroko national Park (太魯閣國家公園), Taroko Gorge is a 19-km-long canyon along the northeastern coast of Taiwan. The area is fully loaded with marble, a product of the tectonic clash between the Eurasian and Philippine plates. The limestone metamorphosed into marble as the plates forced the site to rise half-a-centimeter a year over 100 million years. one of the eight national parks in Taiwan, it offers visitors amazing views of its rugged landscapes.

You can tour Taroko Gorge by taking the bus (DIY-style) or by joining a group tour. here are the details of each, along with their pros and cons.

Hvad er dækket i denne vejledning?

Taroko Gorge group Tour
Taroko Gorge By BusBus 1133A, 1133, 1126, 1141
Bus 302
Important Reminders

Places to check out in Taroko Gorge
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Taroko Gorge group Tour

What’s terrific about joining a group tour is, you don’t need to worry about anything else. just show up and a service vehicle will take you to the key spots. You don’t need to worry about memorizing bus schedules or missing the last bus.

One thing that I appreciate about tours is that Qingshui Cliff scenic area is typically included in the itinerary. Qingshui Cliff is not easy to reach by public transportation on your own, so having a ride to get there skips the hard part. Some tours also make a stop at a few attractions along the way that are outside of Taroko Gorge.

The downside, of course, is you don’t have control of your time and because most tour itineraries are usually packed, you spend limited time per stop.

Still, this is a terrific choice for those traveling with kids or seniors because it eliminates standing in line waiting for the next bus.

Klook’s Taroko Gorge tour itinerary includes the following sites:

Qingshui Cliff scenic Area

Buluowan Plateau

Swallows’ Grotto (Yanzikou Trail)


Changchun Shrine (Eternal spring Shrine)

Qixingtan scenic Area

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Taroko Gorge By Bus

The cheapest way of sightseeing in Taroko Gorge is by taking the bus. The beauty of taking the bus is, you have total control of your time. Unlike with group tours, you may choose to stay longer at a certain stop if you feel like it. You may skip a site if it doesn’t interest you. and in case you missed it, it’s cheaper.

Two bus companies operate around Taroko national Park, each with their own lines. Hualien Bus company controls Buses 1133A, 1133, 1126, and 1141, which all start at Hualien Station. Taroko Bus company operates Bus 302, which departs from Xincheng Station. Both companies offer day passes that tourists may use to enjoy unlimited rides, but the pass issued by one bus line can’t be used to board the other. For example, if you purchase a Bus 1133A day pass, you can’t use it for Bus 302 because it’s by another company. Buses from each line are also around 1 hour apart. Meaning, if you’re holding a 1133A pass and you miss the 1133A bus by a minute, you’ll have to wait for an hour for the next one.

Hence, the best way to take advantage of BOTH these bus companies isn’t to purchase a day pass from either but to just get an EasyCard, which is Taiwan’s IC card, similar to Hong Kong’s Octopus card, Singapore’s EZ card, or Japan’s ICOCA, PASMO, or SUICA. Both the Hualien buses and Bus 302 accept the Easycard. This way, if you miss a bus, you don’t have to wait for an hour. You just wait for the next bus, whichever comes first, regardless of which company operates it.

You can purchase an Easycard at convenience stores like 7-Eleven and family Mart and MRT stations. cost of the card is NT$100. You will have to load it with credits first before you use it.

Bus 1133A, 1133, 1126, 1141

Hualien Bus company operates the public passenger buses (Buses 1126, 1141, 1133) and tour Taiwan Taroko shuttle buses (Bus 1133A) from Hualien. All these buses depart from Hualien Station. here are the departure times of the public buses:

Bus 1126. Departs at 06:30am

Bus 1141. Departs at 08:40am

Bus 1133. Departs at 10:50am and 01:50pm

Aside from these,Der er også bus 1133A, der har flere ture om dagen (en næsten hver time) fra kl. 07.00 til tidlig eftermiddag. Dette tjener dem, der har buspas.

Bemærk A. Bus 1133, som er en offentlig passagerbus, er forskellig fra Bus 1133A, som er en shuttle -bus.

Stopene varierer afhængigt af busnummeret.

De fleste turister vælger at købe et 1-dages eller 2-dages pas, hvilket giver dem ubegrænsede rides på alle busser over inklusive shuttle-bus 1133A og offentlige busser 1126, 1141 og 1133. Her er bussfrekvenserne:

1-dages pas: NT $ 250

2-dages pas: NT $ 400

Sidste tur fra Hualien: 03:10 PM (bus 1133a)
Sidste tur fra Tianxiang: 05:00 (Bus 1133A)

Billetterne kan købes på den lyse orange bygning tilstødende Hualien togstation. Det er svært at gå glip af.

Bus 302

Taroko Bus Company driver Bus 302, der afgår fra Xincheng Station til Tianxiang næsten time fra 07:10 til 05:10.

Første tur fra Xincheng: 07:10

Sidste tur fra Xincheng: 05:10 PM

Sidste tur fra Tianxiang: 06:00 til 06:50

1-dages pas: NT $ 150

Du kan downloade den fulde tidsplan her: bus 302 tidsplan.

En bus 302 dages pasning er tilgængelig på NT $ 150. Igen accepteres det kun ved bus 302 og fungerer ikke i busserne fra Hualien.

Bus 302 er typisk generelt mindre overfyldt end bus 1133A. Der er også flere 302 busser end 1133A -busser, hvilket gør det til en bedre mulighed, når man kommer rundt i Taroko National Park. Problemet er, at det starter og afsluttes på Xincheng Station. Hvis dit hotel er i Hualien, bliver du nødt til at tage en adskilt tur til eller fra Xincheng.

Vigtige påmindelser

Få brochurer ved billetkøb, så du har den nyeste tidsplan og mere info om hvert websted.

Sørg for at fange den sidste bus tilbage til byen. Nogle sæsoner ser yderligere busser, så kontroller venligst det officielle websted for den opdaterede tidsplan.

Ruten, der går ud, er ikke nøjagtigt den samme som at gå ind. Der er et par afvigelser. For eksempel stopper busser ved den ikoniske Changchun -helligdom kun på vej tilbage.

Forsinkelser er almindelige. Forvent ikke, at busser ankommer eller rejser på prikken.

Planlæg forud. Det er umuligt at se alt, hvad Taroko Gorge har at tilbyde på en dag. Bestem, hvilke stopper du vil se og prioritere dem.

Den bedste måde at komme rundt i Taroko Gorge -området er at købe et EasyCard i stedet for dagen går, så du får brug af busser, der kommer fra både Hualien og Xincheng.

Steder at tjekke ud i Taroko Gorge

Her er nogle af de bedste steder i Taroko Gorge. For mere information om hvert stop har vi et dedikeret indlæg. Læs: Taroko Gorge turistpladser.

Changchun Shrine (Eternal Spring Shrine). En Cliffside -struktur, der indeholder fjedervand, der gyser ned ad en klippe, der danner et spektakulært vandfald.

Shakadang Trail. Typisk kaldet den mystiske dalsti, er denne 4,5 km sti ætset på en klippeside ved siden af ​​en lav, stenet strøm. Vi fulgte sporet og festede øjnene med de utallige klippefold undervejs.

Jiuqudong (tunnel på ni sving). Det er meget betragtet som det mest fantastiske sted i Taroko Gorge, det er her marmorklipper står så tæt på hinanden med kun et smalt 10 meter mellemrum mellem dem.

Yanzikou Trail (Swallow Grotto). A 1.4km walking trail so called for the countless Pacific Swallows and house Swifts that have nested at the site. Her kan besøgende se forårsherenede klippesider og klippeformationer, herunder “Chieftain’s Profile Rock.”

Tianxiang. A usual “lunch stop,” it is a river terrace recreational area set at the confluence of the tributaries to Liwu River, the Taci Jili and the Dasha. It is surrounded by wondrously challenging topography — mountaintops and river dales, tunnels and bridges.

Xiangde Temple. On the northwest plateau of the opposite Jiangkou mountain at 457m stands the Xiangde Temple, the centerpiece of a Buddhist Linzizong complex.

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